Sunday, August 11, 2019

Dementia Care Practice and Awareness

People with dementia have multiple psychological deficits, including each memory impairment, which affects the flexibility to find new information or to recall previously learned information, and one or more subsequent symptoms- aphasia, apraxia, agnosia or executive dysfunction- such that the psychological deficits have a negative effect on the social or activity function. Additionally, persons with dementia typically suffer from comorbid conditions that additional complicate care and impede best outcomes. Therefore, it is urgent to develop care methods for people with dementia, given this increasing prevalence and therefore the associated burden that dementia places not only on individuals but also on caregivers, relationships and therefore on the health care system 's resources. Conventional views on geriatric care typically depict a slow pace of care that is certain and less demanding than acute care. Care for the elderly, and especially for people with dementia, is usually complicated, unpredictable and unstable. This session includes education and training of medical professionals, care and quality of life, personal care, cognitive education, support and training for informal and professional careers, practical implementation of scientific knowledge, non - pharmacological interventions, functional food, art, music and lifestyle.

Submit your abstract under the session: Dementia Care Practice and Awareness at

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